
Hello reader,

My name is Daniel Roue (pen name) and I am the creator of the "Opinion Hack" blog(www.opinion.eu.org). The goal of this blog is to become a go-to space where you can read interesting opinions on things going on in the world. To achieve this I plan on publishing my thoughts and opinions on subjects I find worthwhile to research and write about.

This is supposed to be a thought-provoking space, where hopefully you will discover interesting things. The role of this blog is also an educational one.

Some things about me:

  • Living in Eastern Europe
  • In my 30s
  • Bachelors of Science
  • Reading a lot about technology
  • Enjoying winter sports

You can also follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/danielroue

Listen to some of my favorite songs: https://www.opinion.eu.org/p/music.html

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